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Dear Editor

Story:What kind of Health Care system is Sun Country running? This past weekend I had the experience of trying to deal with it. Now, I don't live here but was home visiting my parents when an emergency happened with my dad.

Story:What kind of Health Care system is Sun Country running? This past weekend I had the experience of trying to deal with it. Now, I don't live here but was home visiting my parents when an emergency happened with my dad. Now as Arcola Hospital is closed at the moment we had to decide where to go. Now as I am a paramedic, I do know something about symptoms and what is happening. To decide where to go well, Moosomin is that much farther from a CT scanner if he needed it, same goes for Estevan. So we thought Weyburn hospital was the best choice. Also made the decision to call EMS so they could provide some care for him prior to getting there as it is 100 kms from Carlyle. I did ride in the ambulance with him and was a bit disappointed. Yes I do know my dad can be a stubborn farmer but there are times you just need to provide care even if patient says it would be okay without.

Let's look at Signs and Symptoms of chest pain as defined by Heart and Stroke of Canada - chest discomfort, discomfort in other areas of the upper body (neck, jaw, shoulder, arms, back), shortness of breath, sweating, nausea, and light-headedness. Also let's look at Signs and Symptoms of a stroke as defined by Heart and Stroke of Canada as well - weakness - sudden loss of strength or sudden numbness in arm or leg, even if temporary, Trouble speaking - sudden difficulty speaking or understanding or sudden confusion, even if temporary, Vision problems- sudden trouble with vision, even if temporary, Headache - sudden severe and unusual headache, and dizziness - sudden loss of balance, especially with any of the above signs.

On arrival at Weyburn hospital, the doctor was there. One nurse was putting on cardiac monitor and going to do an ECG on him. The doctor started to assess him, which all I can do it shake my head as patient needs to lie still for an ECG not sit up so Dr can listen to his back. This should have been my first indication this was not going to go well. The second should have been when Dr said so no chest pain, and didn't seem too concerned. At this point they asked my mom and me to leave the room. They said they were going to do some blood work and assess him more. Now we were probably gone maybe an hour, when nurse comes out with my dad and said he is fine and can go home. So we questioned nurse, and said that blood work and ECG was normal. I asked dad about his pain and such and he said it was still there. Nurse said he was given a shot of Toradol and it was just a muscle spasm.

Now I know my dad and he does not complain about a muscle spasm. As you look at the above signs and symptoms that I listed my dad has 8 to 9 symptoms of a Heart attack and/or Stroke. But Dr or nurses did not even assess him for a stroke. My dad said all Dr did was listen and push on his back. Now if it was a muscle spasms the drug they gave him should have cured the pain by time we drove home, but it did not.

So WHAT KIND OF HEALTH CARE IS SUN COUNTRY running? I got the feeling because we were from CARLYLE, who cares. A surprising part the nurse kept telling us to access and use your family Dr, how when there is NO local hospital and it's after hours. Well I care, this is my Dad, I want him around for a while. And so should everyone else in this region. You should want your parents, brothers/sisters, children, and spouse to still be here. We ALL need to get up and start complaining. I know I am and I am sending letters and calling. Here are some of those to call: Murray Goers 842-8706 and Marga Cugnet 842-8717, and Randy Weikes 787-7345. Also send emails to Also send letters/emails to MLA Dan D'Autremont, SK Minister of Health Dustin Duncan, SK Minister of Rural and Remote Health Randy Weikes, Sun Country CEO Marga Cugnet, and Sun Country Head of Facilities Murray Goeres.

Don't write one, Don't phone one, Phone and Write them all! Continue to do this every month, every week until something is done.

Very concerned

Connie Jo Wilson