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Carlyle Sports Arena preparing for upcoming season

The Carlyle Sports Arena is preparing for what it expects will be another active season for ice sports, such as figure skating and hockey, but users will notice a number of changes.
Carlyle Sports Arena
Brent Stillwell

The Carlyle Sports Arena is preparing for what it expects will be another active season for ice sports, such as figure skating and hockey, but users will notice a number of changes.

The biggest difference with the rink this year is that it won’t be the community gathering place it has always been. 

User groups will be required to show up no more than 15 minutes before their scheduled ice time and leave within 15 minutes after. 

It’s not going to be a place where people can hang out for the day or night. But people can still come in and skate. 

The rink will be open for the season in the first week of October. People are asked to enter through the main doors and exit through the south door. 

There will be a maximum of 30 people on the ice, and another 30 people will be allowed in the lobby.

Some spectator stands will be open if people wish to watch from outside.

Ice times for registered user groups, including figure skating and hockey, will be the same as any other year. But there will be no hockey games or figure skating events until the provincial government gives them the green light.

The arena kitchen will be closed until further notice.

Social distancing and maximum occupancy signs are posted in the different areas of the rink, and cleaning supplies and hand sanitizer will be available throughout the building. 

User groups will be required to clean and sanitize their dressing rooms after they are finished. People must also sanitize all areas their kids touch in the arena, including benches and the bathroom.  

Parents and spectators will be required to clean up and sanitize any area they or their family touch while being at the arena. 

Public skating will only be available for people registered to Carlyle Arena user groups, or if you are a Carlyle resident.  

Children under the age of 16 must have a parent or guardian in the rink at all times. 

Public skating privileges will be removed if rules are not followed.